This is about so much more than a building in our city. It's about building our city


"(Re)Defining Revival"

Our vision is to create a space that houses revival. A space where we can come together and encounter the power and presence of God. A space where our kids will grow and where leaders can be trained in His ways. A space full of vibrance and creativity. A place for His glory.

Revival has always been at the heart of Jesus Culture. As we embark on a journey to (re)introduce the Jesus Culture mandate to our world, we recognize the unique and powerful opportunity to deepen the roots of our story with a commitment to history's biggest catalyst for revival – the local church.

"Will you not revive us
again, that your people
may rejoice in you?"

Psalm 85:6 NKJV

Our Goal

• Phase 1 | ✓ Purchase our building

• Phase 2 | Our PLAN is to raise $4.5 million over the next 2-3 years through monthly pledges & one time gifts. The current total estimated construction cost of this project is roughly $10 million.

• Our GOAL is to see 100% participation from our church, however big or small.

Your Part

Our commitment to revival is a commitment to the local church. We're not in this for revival one day, we want to see revival every day. Revival every day starts with you and me. It starts with the local church and finds itself in every moment of our day that we can commit to God: making revival your regular.

We're calling you, our church, to a season of waiting, to be prayerful as to what your financial investment could be to turn our house into a home, that we may open up OUR living room to our local city and the world.

We urge you to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you on the part you play as we stretch ourselves to give above and beyond our current giving for the next 2-3 years.

Pastor's Letter

One of the greatest privileges and joys in my life is to be the pastor of Jesus Culture. My heart is so encouraged by this community of passionate believers who are in love with Jesus and committed to changing the world. What I know is this, seven years into this journey together and we are only at the beginning of all God intends to do... Read More

Will You Partner With Us?

As we embark on this mission, our hope is that everyone would have a part to play. Whether your contribution translates to a single brick, or an entire room, it will take all of us to get behind this vision in whatever capacity you feel the Holy Spirit leading you to.

Our church has never been built off the efforts of the few, but the generosity of the many. Thank you for your sacrifice and generosity.

Make A Commitment

We invite you to prayerfully consider sowing into this project by making a gift today or standing with us for the duration of the campaign with a 2-3 year commitment with the goal of raising 4.5 million.

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Ways To Give

Credit Card Wire, Stock, Daf

If you are interested in learning more about gifts of stock, real estate, IRA distributions, estate gifts, or other creative giving opportunities we would be honored to connect with you. Simply click below to send us an email.

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